
7th Dan Promotion Announcement.

Stuart with David Wilson, 10th Dan.

I am proud to announce that my long-time student and friend Stuart Rogers was promoted to 7th Dan on Thursday 12th December 2019. An informal presentation after the close of the Bushin Kenpo Kai dojo for the Christmas break with two of our most loyal and dedicated Bushin Kenpo Yudansha.

Stuart with Colin McDonnell, 4th Dan

Congratulation Stuart, you have proved yourself to be a  loyal and dedicated student and  instructor over many years

Stuart with Dave Walsh, 3rd Dan

A personal note
A very proud moment for me, awarding my long-time trusted student and friend his 7th-degree black belt. I find it surreal that I have been teaching Stuart for over 30 years, can I really be that old!. I became his instructor when he was a young 3rd Kyu in JuJitsu and worked him to death both physically and mentally, he is one of the last of the old school, with an old school instructor. Stuart is an exceptional martial arts instructor who has made me feel really proud over these many years.

Many people have entered my dojo, few could stay the course., this gentleman is one of the few.

David Wilson, 10th Dan
Founder: Bushin Kenpo Martial Arts System


Willem Vooijs said...

ongratulations Friend. Willem Vooijs

Anonymous said...

Many congratulations to Stuart . A great Sensei and friend . Very well deserved .
Colin McDonnell

Merlijn said...

Well deserved, great martial artist, true brother, a man that breath's kenpo in everything. a real honor to train and learn from you.